We really give a damn about what happens to our beautiful planet. We’ve made a personal commitment to minimise the harm to the planet in everything we do. We act with kindness and respect for our planet, our team, and our partners and we put sustainable and ethical considerations first. We know that there is always more that we can, and must do, and we’re proud to push ourselves to do better each and every day.

Conscious Collaborations

We use our voice to celebrate indigenous artists through conscious collaborations. Each year we work with an indigenous artist or artists to highlight their incredible talents through our channels.
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Preferred fabric and packaging strategy

We’re committed to a preferred fabric strategy – identifying the most sustainable fabric practical for each product.
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Proudly Indie, Female Founded

Proudly indie and Australian, we are able to be truly authentic and unique - a sense of soul that can’t be replicated by cookie cutting. We’re fiercely female founded and led.
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Responsible Sourcing

We source responsible partners. Our supplier terms and conditions are based on the Ethical Trading Initiative Base code, and set the standard for fair working conditions and more.
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We are Carbon Neutral

We’re proudly carbon neutral. Unlike most other brands, we’ve chosen to offset our manufacturing footprint, in addition to our local footprint and freight.
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Closing the Loop

We’re part of the circular economy. Through our partnership with Upparel, we offer customers the opportunity to up-use, upsell and uplift the value of their old textiles.
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